Hassle Free, Helping Save Money and Time
- Bottom end and top end components
- Engineered to meet or exceed OEM quality
- Reliable OEM sealing
- Instant throttle response
- Premium quality for smooth operation
- Proven performance and reliability
- Exact fit and long lasting
- Track your engine and critical service intervals
- Complete engine rebuild
- Crankshaft assembly
- OEM quality main bearings
- All engine gaskets, seals, and o-rings
- Wiseco ProLite? 2-stroke piston and top end bearing
- Wiseco standard series 4-stroke piston
- Cam chain included (if needed)
- Wiseco hour meter and bracket included
- Rotating and Reciprocating Rebuild Kit - includes all top and bottom end components for a complete engine rebuild!
- Free Wiseco hour meter and bracket included, so you see your next service interval coming
- Prolite"' Piston Kit - quality piston included in every 2-stroke engine kit
- Forged Piston Kit features stock compression ratio premium piston included in every 4 -Stroke engine kit
- Crankshaft and Rod assembly - designed and inspected to ensure durability
- Includes Additional Components - includes main bearing, seals, gaskets and high quality cam chain
Kawasaki KX100 2014
Kawasaki KX100 2015
Kawasaki KX100 2016
Kawasaki KX100 2017
Kawasaki KX100 2018
Kawasaki KX100 2019
Kawasaki KX100 2020